Wednesday, December 5, 2012
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." --Luke 22:42 (emphasis mine)
You see? Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God, had a moment where He didn't want to do the very thing He was sent to this Earth to do in the first place. He worried. He was upset. Now, He did not let that worry stop him from doing what He was called to do. He acted regardless and was obedient to God's will. But that didn't change the fact that He was scared. Or worried, or sad, or any other negative emotion He might have been feeling.
Today's society is so terrified of the unhappy person. We says things like "Worrying is a sin," and "The Devil is trying to steal your joy" and "The fact that Jesus loves you means you should be happy." And if we manage to avoid those catch phrases, we replace them with things like "I understand how you feel" and "It'll be okay in the end." And we expect those magical words to somehow make the unhappy person we're trying to comfort instantly better. And when it doesn't work, when the person honestly does not feel better, we turn it on them. "You're just selfish." "No one always gets what they want." "You're obsessing over this issue."
But you know what I read in the Bible? I read about people who are passionate. I read about people who knew how to mourn and be sad like no one else. I read about a shepherd turned local hero who is pursued by the king and he cries out, "My God my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Psalm 22). I read about a wealthy man who lost his wealth and his family all in one day, only to later lose his wife's support and his health, and his demeanor was so pitiful that it drove his friends to mourn with him (Job 1-2). I read about a loving Teacher that is so distraught over the grief of his friends that He is moved to tears himself (John 11). And I read about a prophesied Savior who, at the eleventh hour, didn't want to go through with what was expected of Him (Luke 22).
Now, as I said before, all of these people trusted God and moved forward with what was expected of them. Their fear and worry and doubt and sadness did not stop them. But they were allowed to feel what they felt. And, as followers of Christ, if we really want to be of help to those hurting, we need to allow them to hurt. Yes, offer support. Listen when they talk. Be there when they really need something. But don't tell them their negative emotions are the work of the Devil. Don't tell them their worry or concern or depression is separating them from God. In truth, it may be that desperation and grief that drives them that much closer to Him. It's okay to not be put together. It's okay to be broken. And, most importantly, it's okay to be honest about what you really feel with the One that created you. (Besides, He's God. He knows how you really feel anyway, so why bother trying to hide it?).
There's my rant for the day.
Keep Soaring,
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
My Perspective on the next four years...
During this whole election process, I've had some very strong opinions about the fighting and bickering that's gone on between Democrats and Republicans. I've constantly tried to remind everyone that regardless of who is president, Christ is King. And I've deliberately kept my political opinions to myself, because I didn't want to contribute to the fighting going on. I didn't think it represented Christ well, and I wanted no part of it.
Now the election is over, and there are several people unhappy with the outcome. I have a very specific perspective on what needs to happen in the next four years, a perspective that I think (and prayerfully hope) will help others in their planning for the next several years. Unfortunately, I cannot share that perspective without also sharing my political opinions. So, before you read any further, I would like to point out that at no point in this election did I ever say anything derogatory towards either candidate. At no point did I disrespect any member of any political party. I showed no malice or hatred during the election, and even made every attempt to end the fighting and bickering where I could. I respectfully ask that you show that same respect to me. Please do not use my blog (or Facebook) as a forum for you to spew venom at those who have opposing views. I welcome friendly debate and healthy discussions, but I will not tolerate belittling or degrading remarks. If you cannot show that respect to me, you will be blocked from my Facebook and blog and your comments deleted. Please, for the sake of peace, keep things cordial.
Now that we've got that out of the way...
I voted for Mitt Romney. He wasn't my favorite choice, but given the alternative, I thought he was the best choice. In my humble opinion, President Obama's record is not satisfactory, and more important than that, he is pushing legislation that will essentially force me to support things that I, because of my faith, do not support. I do not think it is right for my tax dollars to help fund abortions if I believe abortions are morally wrong. I do not think it is right for me to face hate crime charges if I speak openly about my views on homosexuality. And I do not think it is right that a monument or spoken prayer that has stood for decades be removed because it offends people who go to these places and ceremonies of their own free choice. Say what you will about foreign policy, the economy, and the environment, but these are the issues that decided my vote.
So, obviously, I was disappointed in last night's results. And I am very concerned about the future of this country and where we are heading. But, in the end, I am an American citizen, and Barack Obama is my president. Even if I don't agree with the man, I must respect his office. Because he is president, I will pray for him everyday, that God will guide his decisions, and that he will be the leader that this country needs. I believe that the power of prayer is stronger than any threat we can face. I place this country in God's hands and trust that He will do whatever is necessary to glorify His name.
Now, about all those other things. Since I believe that abortion is wrong, that it is the murder of innocent children, and since my tax dollars are going to support it and there is apparently nothing I can do about it, I am going to try and be the change I want to see. Rather than waiting for Capitol Hill to pass legislation that I agree with, I am going to go out and find those single women, those pregnant teenagers, those women who honestly think that abortion is better than adoption or raising a child. I'm going to find them, and I'm going to help them. I'm going to help them find classes on how to care for their unborn children. I'm going to find loving families who are willing to take the child she can't afford to have. I'm going to talk with her about her fears and doubts and worries, and I am going to do everything I can to help calm those fears and ease those doubts and put to rest those worries. I am going to do everything I can to make sure these poor women who are scared and unsure feel like they have another choice they can make.
Since I believe that marriage should be defined between a man and a woman, I'm going to take the time to get to know the LGBT community. I'm going to befriend them and get to know them as people. I'm going to let them get to know me and know what my heart is and where I'm coming from. I'm going to get to a place where my care for them has nothing to do with their sexual orientation, where my friendship with them is iron clad and not easily shaken. They're going to get to know me, and they're going to realize I don't hate them, that I don't think they're sub-human or some new kind of evil. They're going to realize that I love them just as much as I would love anyone else. And once we're at that place, I'll be able to share my views, and they will listen. They may not agree, but they will listen, because now the words are coming from a friend, and not an enemy with an agenda.
Since I believe that my faith in Christ is under attack because of the consistent removal of monuments and prayers from public places, I'm going to show everyone just what exactly my faith in Christ is all about. I'm going to give myself away to helping the poor and needy, to showing the love of Christ to everyone I come in contact with. I am going to truly love my neighbors as much as I love myself, and see that their needs are met just as much if not more than mine. I am going to be such a loving, kind, gentle person that when people think of Jesus, they don't think of an oppressive religion that has been in power too long. They're going to think of a loving Savior who came to Earth to save us from sin. And then, Jesus won't be an offensive topic, because no one will be able to say that their lives are worsened by Him or His followers.
To put it simply, I'm going to stop waiting for Capitol Hill to force what I should have been encouraging all along. There's no need for abortions if women feel supported and taken care of when they get pregnant. There's no need for civil rights legislation if everyone is treated with kindness and respect from the start. There's no need for legal battles about Jesus Christ's place in public if everyone sees Christianity as a positive influence. There's no need for regulation on welfare if everyone is trying to meet everyone else's needs. I fully realize that, by myself, I'm not going to change the tide. But, for those few people I can actually come in contact with, the difference will be worth it.
So don't pack your bags and move to Canada. Don't start stockpiling on ammunition and nonperishable foods. Stop complaining that your favorite candidate isn't sitting in the White House now. Join me. Let's stop waiting for Capitol Hill to do our job. Let's get out there and do what we should have been doing in the beginning: Love God with everything, and love people as much as we love ourselves.
And if your candidate is sitting in the White House, join me anyway. Don't let the fact that legislation is going your way allow you to become complacent about the hurting and suffering around you. Don't wait for Capitol Hill to fix the problems you see around you. Become the solution yourself. Because, trust me, no matter who is president, Capitol Hill will take too long.
That's how I'm going to handle these next four years. And not a single bit of that has anything to do with who is President. It has everything to do with what I am going to do. I am going to take responsibility for what I have the power to change, and I am going to change it.
One more reminder: if you respond to this, keep it respectful and keep it cordial, or don't respond at all.
Keep Soaring,
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A double minded man...
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
There's a story of two farmers who both needed rain for their crops. One farmer prayed for rain and then turned and prepared his crops for a drought. The other prayed for rain and then turned and prepared his crops for rain. God sent rain to them both. The point of the story is that the second farmer was more faithful because he believed God. And the obvious rebuttle to that is the first farmer was being responsible and "a good steward" of what God had given him.
But after reading this in James, I have to wonder if the first farmer was being responsible, or just double-minded. Is he being shrewd as a serpeant, or is he just suffering from doubt? How many times do we ask God to provide for us, and then turn around and plan as though he won't act? How many times have we missed out on a great opportunity for testimony because we had to do things ourselves? Why do we even bother asking God if the second we leave His presence we act as though He won't come through for us?
I'm reminded of a scene close to the end The Grey. Liam Neeson's character is lying in the snow, calling out to God to come save him. And when God doesn't respond fast enough, he says, "@#%! it. I'll do it myself." If you've seen the movie, you know how well that turns out. Either way, He calls out to God for help, and then gets up from that spot and moves forward like there is no God to call on. His atheism makes that response expected, but the sad thing is that many times that's how I respond to. I pray and ask God for help, for provision, for wisdom and guidance. Then I turn around and start planning like its all on me, like I expect that God is not going to come through.
I act as though I doubt Him....
I don't want to be a double minded man. I don't want to be "responsible." I just want to be real. I want to have the kind of faith that when I cry out to God, I sit and wait for Him to answer.
13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.
--Psalm 27:13-14
Saturday, August 11, 2012
To my LGBT brothers and sisters...
I used to not have anger issues (except maybe road rage), but between the upcoming election, Chic-Fil-A, and the overall hostile atmosphere on Facebook, I've noticed my blood pressure rise a lot more these days...
I see well meaning but misguided Christians attack the homosexual community. Yes, I said attack, not take a stand, and yes, there is a difference. It's one thing to make a public statement about your values like Dan Cathy did. It's one thing to eat chicken or buy bracelets or support a candidate to show your support for Christian values. But when you stoop so low as to insult and judge people, using the Bible as a battering ram to get your point across, you stop representing Christ. And in the end, all that fighting does more harm than good. Just because you can yell the loudest, that doesn't mean you're the most correct.
But then, the counterparts in the homosexual community take the actions of those misguided Christians and use it as ammunition. They misrepresent the Bible and what it says, they misrepresent the Apostles and make them look like uneducated, backwater rednecks, and worst of all, they misrepresent my Savior, the one who died on a cross to take away my sins and the sins of the world, gay and straight alike. And the man who first taught us that God is Love is made to look like anything but love.
It's gotten so bad that even when I try to clarify things, people get mad, because they misunderstand what I'm trying to do. I have the deleted Facebook post to prove it.
I'm sick of all this. I'm tired of being embarrassed at how some "Christians" handle themselves, and I'm tired of my faith being attacked because of it. It has to stop somewhere. So it's going to stop with me...
Dear LGBT Community,
Hi. My name is Branson Boykin. I've been a Christian since I was 7 years old. I don't always follow Christ the way I should, but I do my best, and I trust in His grace to make up for the times I fail Him.
I do support the Biblical definition of marriage. HOWEVER!!!! I believe that homosexuality is a sin. I DO NOT believe that it is somehow a worse sin than others. I DO NOT think I'm better than you because I'm straight. I believe that we're all broken people in need of a Savior. Whether we're gay, straight, drunk, sober, Republican, Democrat, non-smoker, smoker, straight-laced, crooked, or somewhere in between--we ALL need Jesus to save us from our sins. To paraphrase Scripture, I'm a firm believer in removing the plank from my own eye before I try to tell you about the speck of dust in yours.
I've been in two different work places where I have befriended openly gay people. I served as math tutor with one and taught school with another one. And their sexual orientation had no bearing on how much I cared for them and loved them. It wasn't that I was their friend despite their homosexuality. I was their friend, period. They just happen to also be homosexual. And they weren't projects. I didn't set out to convert them. I was honest about my beliefs when asked, but I didn't turn them into mission projects. They were just my friends, plain and simple.
I know that many of you have been beaten, ridiculed, mocked, spit on, ostracized, and embarrassed for who you are. I know that some of those acts have been done "in the name of Jesus" and "to stand up for Christian values." And I know how that taints your view of anyone who claims to be a Christian. I get it, I really do. Were I in your position, I would feel the exact same way. And I am so sorry that this has happened to you. No one should ever have to go through that for any reason. But hear me when I say that what you experienced isn't all of us. There are those of us who follow Christ and are motivated to love people, not judge them.
The reason I'm making this post is this: I want to offer my friendship to all of you. I want to be your friend. I want to laugh at all the things that you think are funny. I want to be moved to tears by the movies you can't watch without a box of kleenex. I want to sit down together in the same room so we can both cheer for our favorite team. I want us to share those hilarious, sarcastic ecards with each other on Facebook. I want to be there to comfort you when you're hurting, and I want to double your joy when you're happy. When you think of the people that are your nearest and dearest friends, I want to be one of the people you think of.
All I ask in return is that, if ever you have questions about Jesus Christ or Christians in general, don't look to the media. Don't look to the radicals plastered all over the news for your answers about who Jesus is. Don't look to the people who beat you up in the dead of night or picketed your funerals or spit on you as you walked by. Look to me. Ask me. If you're curious about it, let me show you the Bible as I read it. Let me introduce you to the Jesus I've known since I was 7 years old. I think you'll be surprised at just how different he is from the clear complected, blue eyed, brown haired, Anglo looking guy in the painting. ("My Jesus" by Todd Agnew...excellent song!!)
I offer my hand in friendship, asking that you take the good and the bad. All the parts that you think make me noble, and all that parts that you think make me vile--every imperfect, human cell of me--I want to be your friend.
Feel free to comment or ask questions. I'm always here.
In Christ's Love,
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Why I'm supporting Chic-Fil-A on August 1st....
Yes, I will be going to support Chic-Fil-A on August 1st. But before some of you start to judge me and call me a "homophobe," you need to understand where I'm coming from...
1.) Yes, I agree with Dan Cathy that marriage is a union between a man and a woman only. I've shared before my views on the difference between marriage and a civil union. Governments can make whatever rules they want to about civil unions, because government is authority on that. But when it comes to marriage, the only authority on the issue is God.
2.) Yes, I think Dan Cathy has every right to say what he wants, and he has every right to decide whether or not his business will support a political or social movement. It's freedom of speech. It's the same freedom that protects those who burn American flags in protest, write entire books on how on president or the other caused the decline of American power, and make jokes like "the opposite of PROgress is CONgress." But don't take my word for it. Read the Constitution. I promise you, it's in there.
1.) I AM NOT A HOMOPHOBE. I do not agree with the LGBT social or political platform, but that does not mean I think they are somehow sub-human. I think they are regular people just like you and me. I've had co-workers and friends who were gay, and we got along great!! I even went out to eat with one of them on a monthly basis. And no, those outings were not so I could convert him. Those outings were so we could hang out and enjoy the company of friends. I'm a fan of George Takei. I don't agree with his social and political ideas, but I still like him, because he shares the funniest pictures on Facebook, he was Hiro's father in Heroes, and he was Sulu in Star Trek. His sexual orientation is only a small part of who he is, and I think that is the case with everyone, heterosexual or homosexual.
2.) I AM NOT LIKE WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH. As I said before, civil unions are determined by the government. And if the American people vote to extend the rights of a civil union to same sex partners, then as an American citizen, I am obligated to honor that decision. I will not be one of those people with a picket sign at a gay wedding, screaming how America is going to burn because of what's happening. I won't change my opinions on the issue, but I will honor the voice of the American people.
The Real Reason:
I'm supporting Chic-Fil-A because I don't like the fact that the Boston mayor thinks he can block Chic-Fil-A out of "his" city. He is a government official. It's his job to represent the people, not his own interests. If he personally wants to boycott Chic-Fil-A, then he and his family and his friends may choose to do so. But it is wrong for him to try and use his influence as the mayor to try and block a business. That's called discrimination, which is kind of the main reason we wrote the Constitution in the first place.
So yeah...."EAT MOR CHIKIN!!"
Keep Soaring,
Friday, July 20, 2012
Batman and the Body...
Concerning the tragedy that occured in Aurora, CO, last night, my head's been in a weird place. It was hard for me to sit through The Dark Knight Rises today without jumping at every person that stood up and went to go to the bathroom. I get on facebook and see the response. Scott McDaniel, a free lance artist whose drawn a lot of the Bat family over the years, puts up a special Bat symbol with a ribbon in memory of those who died. I thought it was cool, so I started to look and see what other people have done. I find a thread of discussion where these people, most if not all of them professing Christians, are discussing everything from how this will affect gun control to how comic books are evil to whether or not the killer was possessed.
At least 12 people died!!!! Are we so heartless that we waste time debating meaningless points when people are hurting?!? This is a time to shine as lights in a dark world, to be the body of Christ like we're supposed to be!! But no, we can't do that, because it's really important to decide whether or not a man in custody is possessed or not.
I think we're possessed...possessed by our own self-importance and fallen nature. We must be if we can so flippantly dismiss the pain of others because we want to prove a point about theology or gun control. We must be if negative comments about society and comic books come out of our mouths when people around us are hurting.
Something's wrong, brothers and sisters. We are not the people of God we should be if this is the best we can do when tragedy strikes.
I'm done.
Keep Soaring,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
I await the words that You say...
I've been going through a complete paradigm shift in my faith. It started three years ago, but it has really been going on the past year. Not to worry, I still hold to my faith in Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him. I still hold to being saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. I still believe that the Bible is God's revelation of Himself to man, and that anything anyone claims to be from God, if it truly is, should be in alignment with what the Bible says. I just wonder if some of the things in churchdom we hold to so dearly today are really all that important in the eyes of God. Or, even worse, do they actually hinder our growing relationship with God?
It's been no great surprise that I've always had a soft spot in my heart for people who left the church because they were hurt by the church. I still have all the posts from my Advocate for the Outcast blog saved. But when I sit down and talk with these people and discover what it is that hurt them, I'm ashamed. Most of the time, they weren't sent away on matters of doctrine and theology. They weren't in the middle of grievous sin and were held accountable to it. Most of the people I see that leave the church leave it because what they hear preached and what they see do not go together. I won't discuss them in detail one would have the time to read it. But I have to say....I really couldn't defend us to them, other than to say, "We're not all like that."
I think of my son, and how I am supposed to be a representation of God to him. When he sees me, he is to see an example of how a follower of Christ should live. And I fear for what my example may show him. I don't want to teach him a Christianity where geographical location on Sunday and financial support of an institution is all there is to following Christ. That shouldn't be the end all and be all for him. I want him to have a faith so powerful that it spurs him on to live for the Lord. I want to see him so amazed by God's power that he falls to his knees in worship. I want to see him so desperate for God's presence that he closes himself off in his room so that he can read and pray. I want to see his faith affect more than what he does on Sunday. And I have to face the realization that, unless I model that for him, he may never know what that's like.
I covet your prayers. I seek the Lord's wisdom as to what my response should be, what changes in my life I need to make. I seek the Lord's wisdom as to this paradigm shift, and whether or not its Him drawing me close or my own head getting me farther away. I don't want to take one step without knowing its in God's will. But at the same time, I don't want to miss an opportunity to live like God intended me to.
Keep Soaring,
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The whole Gay Marriage thing...
Marriage, as defined by the Bible, is a relationship between a man and a woman. That is how God designed it from the beginning, and that is how we as his creation should view it as. Homosexuality is defined as a sin, no better or worse than any other sin a person could commit. It isn't the unpardonable sin, but it is still sin.
Now, my thoughts on where my faith and gay marriage collide:
To me, the authority behind marriage is God. When a man and a woman promise themselves to each other, making that promise with God as their witness is what makes them married. The paperwork that everyone signs at the end is just the government recognizing a civil union between two people. That civil union carries with it certain tax benefits and such that are relevant to the way our system works.
If a government wants to extend the civil union to same sex couples, that is their choice. I would not call it marriage, because the government is not the ultimate authority on marriage. It is, however, the authority on what it defines as a civil union between two people. So, if Obama wants to recognize civil unions between same sex partners, our government has created ways for him to pursue that vision, and as an American, I am obligated to honor that decision. But I wouldn't call it marriage.
As far as homosexuality being a sin...yes, I believe it is a sin. But you know what? This morning, when a student smart mouthed me and I yelled at him, I was angry with him. Guess what? That was a sin. When we tell our bosses we're sick when we're really not just to stay home, that's a sin. When we judge people who are different than us and assume that we are better than them, that's a sin. Homosexuality is not an alternative lifestyle; it's a sin, but it's not any worse than any other sin a person can commit on a daily basis.
As a follower of Christ, its my hope that in dealing with same sex couples, I would be able to show them the same love and compassion that Jesus did. He was very good about loving people while not condoning the evil they committed, and I want to do the same. So I don't think that homosexuals are subhuman people...they're just sinners like the rest of us, who need Jesus like the rest of us. So, to paraphrase some picket signs, God made Adam and Eve, and He even made Steve. And while all three of them have sins on their hearts, God loves all three of them. That's why Jesus came in the first place.
Keep Soaring,
Friday, April 27, 2012
Late night thoughts....
I go back to work soon. To be honest, there is very little there that I am looking forward to go back to. I am constantly slammed with contradictions and impossible situations. I spend weeks doing top level assignments only to be observed on the one off day of the six weeks. In an observation I am praised for my charisma in the classroom and my ability to hold a student's attention, and yet two minutes later I am told I need to not be in the front of the class so much. I go to seminar after seminar about how students lack the proper foundations in math to succeed, and yet I am rebuked for taking too long on a topic to make sure the foundations are built. The people that tell me to teach bell to bell pay money to hire a professional educational motivator, who then tells me not to teach bell to bell. And at the end of it all, as much as I try to teach math so that life skills are learned, all that really matters is how well my students can guess on one test on one day. Its not about educating young people....its about handing out as many diplomas as possible. As I said, there is very little to look forward to when I return.
And yet, sitting here watching my little boy all suddenly becomes worth it. Watching his little chest rise and fall, I come to realize that I would do anything just to ensure that he has moments like this. I would go to the bottom of a coal mine, fight the storms of a hundred seas, throw myself in the path of a thousand bullets, endure every hardship, pain, risk, danger, and disappointment known to man...just to make sure Brayson gets a good night's rest. No matter how frustrated I get with the education system...for now, it keeps food in his mouth, a roof over his head, and clothes on his back.
So bring it on. Give me the kids that don't do their homework and expect to pass. Give me the naive parents who think their child is mankind's savior. Give me the administrators so far removed from the classroom they can't remember what its like to teach at all. Give me the state legislators that make standards with no concept how to implement them in the real world. Give me a job whose pay is no where near the amount it should be for all the certification crap one has to go through to get that job. Bring it all. I'll take it all on, just so my little boy can sleep peacefully.
Yeah.....Mountain Dew at 2 AM is a bad thing.....Don't do it.....
Keep Soaring,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Now a father, but still a husband...
Here's the thing. Mandy said she didn't feel like we were doing enough together. Granted, I've stayed up for hours into the night watching Brayson so she could sleep. I've gone to buy things at the store, tried to keep the house reasonably clean...been very busy performing tasks. But when it came to the two of us sitting down and talking with each other, talking about the changes in our lives, relating to one another...I've been somewhat absent. My focus has been so much on providing for my newborn son, at some point I forgot I still have a wife that needs me just as much.
An important lesson, I think. We've all heard about couples who stick it out until the kids leave, and then its divorce time. They become so absorbed in taking care of their children that at some point they forget to take care of each other. That's great parenting, but its bad relating.
Now, I know first hand that when a child comes into the world, things change. Time you thought you had is gone forever, and it seems like you're just existing between naps and diaper changes. But we're not doing our children any favors if caring for them makes us leave our spouses. So, take it from me, its worth the time to put the baby down for an hour or two and be a couple. If the baby's old enough, call the sitter and go out. If nothing else, the two of you sit on the floor with the little tyke and the three of you play together.
I want to be the best father that I can be for Brayson. Part of that is still being the best husband I can be to Mandy.
Keep Soaring,
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter...
"How sweet to hold a newborn baby
And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.
"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know, He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives."
--Because He Lives, Bill Gaither
Happy Easter Everyone.
Keep Soaring,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
God is watching...
We had quite an experience today, and I feel like it would be wrong to not include an account of it on this little blog.
Mandy called me around 1:15 and told me that she was having contractions about once an hour. After talking with a colleague of mine, and considering the bad weather that was coming, I thought it would be best if I went on home. That way we could get an early start and beat the weather.
We make it to Tyler only to discover that a tornado had touched down close to Sulphur Springs. I start calling church members to see how everyone is. Come to find out that the school where I teach at was locked down, and no one was allowed to leave until 5:00. So, if I hadn't left, we would just now be arriving at tyler, having to drive right through all the bad weather.
Thank God for his providence, for his protection, and his prodding through Kevin Tanton. He really is answering our prayers and keeping Brayson safe.
Keep soaring,
Sunday, April 1, 2012
In Memory of Bernice Waters...
Today my Mamaw was laid to rest. I wasn't able to be there because of our soon-to-arrive baby boy. And in all actuality, here is where she would have wanted me to be. Still though, I wish there was some way I could have been there--to honor her memory without neglecting my responsibilities here.
My dad gave her eulogy today. I know that he honored her with his words. I even heard that at the end, my cousins spoke a Jewish prayer. That was just like my grandmother. Every time the family gathered for a meal, thanks were given to God in Christian prayers and in Hebrew. I'm glad that a service in her honor reflected that.
The world is a darker place with her not in it, but thanks be to God that she is in a place where she suffers no more. I regret that Brayson will not meet his great-grandmother this side of heaven. But he will be told of her compassion, her humor, and her love of family. And through those stories, maybe it will be a way of them meeting.
I love you, Mamaw, and I miss you.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Some thoughts before church...
My grandmother lies in a hospital bed, dying, and while the rest of my family is there at her side, I am here, caring for my pregnant wife and eagerly waiting for the arrival of our son. I don't resent that I need to stay; I just wish I could be in two places at once. But I know that this is where she would want me to be.
I always knew logically that God does not leave us in times of turmoil, but rather is there every step that we make. But now....I can feel it. I am overcome with a peace that I cannot understand. I understand what that means now.
The peace that I feel now is not something that comes from a routine. I didn't do anything to earn this peace. This peace isn't a result of my cultural upbringing or habits that I have or haven't developed. I'm not at peace because I give a certain percentage of my income or because my attendance record is exemplary. I am at peace because I BELONG TO CHRIST. And every second I spend in His presence is a second spent closer to heaven. My relationship with Him has brought me to this peace, because I go to Him with my burdens, and He comforts me. Even if it isn't by giving me exactly what I want, He still comforts me.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Keep Soaring,
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Boykin Family Coat of Arms
The eagle represents nobility of character--in other words, someone who honors his commitments and accepts responsibility. The allerions (clawless, beakless eagles) represent strength of will--someone who is able to control his impulses. The fess (the green bar across the shield) represents readiness--someone who is willing and able to act when it is necessary. The phrase Soli Deo Gloria is Latin for "Glory to God Alone." When I sat down and thought about what a man of God looked like, these are the traits that came to mind. And I hope and pray that as Brayson grows and matures (again, as slow as possible!!!), I'll be able to teach him these things, as both my earthly and heavenly father have taught me.
Less than a month left to go before my little man gets here. Thank you Jesus for blessing us with him.
Keep Soaring,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A reminder...
Psalm 46
For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth.[b] A song.
1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
7 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8 Come and see what the LORD has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Say it like you mean it...
Lately I've been very convicted about doing works for the right reasons. When I look at situations like the widow and her mite, Ananias and Sapphira, or the Ephesian Church in Revelations, I start to see a pattern. God cares about what you do, but it seems He cares even more about WHY you do what you do.
It isn't enough to go to church. Why do you go to church? It isn't enough to just read your Bible and pray. Why do you read your Bible and pray? The things you do for God----what is the motivation behind them?
In my experience, people can see through motivations. They can tell whether we're talking with them because we care about them or because they're another number to add to our list, another notch on our belt. When we invite them to church, they can tell whether its because we really enjoy seeing them or because we just want another warm body in the pew. They can tell whether we're sharing the love of Christ with them because we care about them or because we feel obligated somehow. They can tell, and for a lot of them that is the only representation of Christ they ever see. Do we want them to think that Jesus loves them because He's forced to?
For those of us who are employed by a church, this is twice as dangerous. It's too easy to go to church on Sunday morning to meet our responsibilities rather than to spend time with the Family of God. May God forgive me for ever walking through those doors because I feel I HAVE to, and not because I WANT to.
So I would encourage you to join me is asking God for a change of heart. Let us pray that God would change our hearts so that we don't grit our teeth and bare the spiritual disciplines. Rather, we run towards them, joyfully embracing the chance to grow closer to our Lord and Savior.
There's my rant for the day.
Keep Soaring,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Random neurons passing in my mind...
Had a very encouraging talk with a friend yesterday. Nice to know that I'm not as crazy as I think I am sometimes.
When I was in college, my friend Joey and I watched Ruroni Kenshen, an anime about an assassin who turns a new leaf and vows never to kill. In that anime, there is a general with a wife, and it is said of her that she is his sheath. I never really understood what that meant. And then God put Mandy in my life. Sometimes its better to put down your weapons and study war no more for a day. And sometimes the only reason a war is worth fighting is because you're fighting for someone back home.
"Dogs are forever in the push-up position." I don't know what that means. Apparently neither does Mitch Hedburg.
Keep Soaring,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
One of the best days of my life...
Friday, January 20, 2012
In Memory of Mr. Ironsmith
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Parents, Pagans, and Pentecost
Now, normally I don't get involved with politics. They never have solved any problems and I doubt they ever will. But this is something that I've given a lot of thought to, and I feel the need to share my opinion just this one time.
In reading this, most of the evangelicals are going to be up in arms, saying that Gideons should have every right to distribute Bibles to students. And in the same breath, they'll say that children shouldn't be exposed to that "Satan-worshiping garbage" that Wiccan books promote. I understand the sentiment, but we can't have our cake and eat it too.
Let me clarify. I want Gideons to come to my high school. I want Bibles handed out to every student. I want every person that walks my campus to know about the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and that we are reconciled to God by His death and Resurrection. And I feel very strongly that as an American, the Constitution protects my rights to try to achieve that.
Here's the thing: Those same rights that allow me to tell everyone about my Christian faith allow everyone else to tell me about their faith. Gideons should be allowed to pass out Bibles to the students that want one, but Wiccans and Muslims and Buddhists and everyone else should be allowed to do the same. That's what the founding fathers had in mind when they designed "separation of church and state." It doesn't mean that there is no religion. It means that the government can't pick a favorite religion, even if its a religion that I believe in. (Btw, that also means they can't pick a most-hated religion either).
Given the choice between everyone can share their faith or no one can share their faith, I would pick everyone at the drop of a hat. If you don't want your children to bring material home from another religion, tell them not to go to the booth. Or better yet, educate them so that they recognize the difference between what they believe and what that "other book" says. In my experience, the only people that refuse to educate themselves on other beliefs are the people who are afraid their own beliefs will be proved wrong.
I want to be able to share my faith in Christ without having some civil liberties group breathing down my neck. The only way that's going to happen is if everyone gets the same treatment, Christian and non-Christian alike. And you know, hearing other people's beliefs isn't all that horrible. You might find it helps you understand why you believe what you believe.
So, that's my two cents on the topic. Feel free to comment, disagree, or agree wholeheartedly. Just keep it cordial.
Keep Soaring,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Pencils, babies, Youtube, and kindergarten...
Mandy got me a pencil set and sketch pad for Christmas. I picked up a drawing set and tried my hand and utilizing the various shades made the varying hardness on the lead. The result? I had a lot of fun, and I don't think I'm going to draw the same ever again.
Went to another doctor appointment yesterday. Brayson arrives in 85 days, assuming he gets here on schedule. I find myself filled with excitement and a little fear. Fatherhood is one of those experiences I always knew I'd go through, but actually being in it is something I can't begin to describe. Looking forward to next month so that I get to see him on the sonogram again.
I'm sure you've all at least heard about the "Why I love Jesus but hate religion" video. It's stirred up a lot of talk. I gotta say I'm glad that at least some of his critics are handling their issues with grace. Its okay to disagree. Just be sure you do it in such a way that it shows love.
I've had to use some very elementary school style tactics to get my kids to behave. The sad thing is--it worked. Perhaps I've been overestimating the maturity of my students.
Until next time...
Keep Soaring,
Monday, January 9, 2012
P90X and such...
Got into the swing of the new semester a lot easier than I thought I would. Its encouraging to not be completely dead in the mornings. Now if I could just get my students to be just as alert....
Writing continues. Having more fun with it than I thought. I may actually finish this one.
Got some exciting new ideas for church this year. Eager to put them in action and see what God does.
Brayson's arrival draws ever closer. Got the nursery painted and furniture arranged. Just need to do a couple of more decorating things and it will be ready. My little boy will be here soon!!!
Keep Soaring,
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Back at it...
Dad and Ashley came to the house last night and helped me paint the nursery. One more notch on the pole as we climb to getting ready for Brayson's arrival. I'm really excited about it. Part of me wants him to hurry up and get here, and the other part of me doesn't want to rush it. I'm afraid if I speed up his getting here, then I'll speed up his growing up too.
P90X is still kicking my butt, but I suppose that happens when you try to lose weight.
I'm excited for the new year and the adventures it will bring. Soli Deo Gloria.
Keep Soaring,