My first post was deleted by the miracle of modern technology, so let's try this again...
Yes, I will be going to support Chic-Fil-A on August 1st. But before some of you start to judge me and call me a "homophobe," you need to understand where I'm coming from...
1.) Yes, I agree with Dan Cathy that marriage is a union between a man and a woman only. I've shared before my views on the difference between marriage and a civil union. Governments can make whatever rules they want to about civil unions, because government is authority on that. But when it comes to marriage, the only authority on the issue is God.
2.) Yes, I think Dan Cathy has every right to say what he wants, and he has every right to decide whether or not his business will support a political or social movement. It's freedom of speech. It's the same freedom that protects those who burn American flags in protest, write entire books on how on president or the other caused the decline of American power, and make jokes like "the opposite of PROgress is CONgress." But don't take my word for it. Read the Constitution. I promise you, it's in there.
1.) I AM NOT A HOMOPHOBE. I do not agree with the LGBT social or political platform, but that does not mean I think they are somehow sub-human. I think they are regular people just like you and me. I've had co-workers and friends who were gay, and we got along great!! I even went out to eat with one of them on a monthly basis. And no, those outings were not so I could convert him. Those outings were so we could hang out and enjoy the company of friends. I'm a fan of George Takei. I don't agree with his social and political ideas, but I still like him, because he shares the funniest pictures on Facebook, he was Hiro's father in Heroes, and he was Sulu in Star Trek. His sexual orientation is only a small part of who he is, and I think that is the case with everyone, heterosexual or homosexual.
2.) I AM NOT LIKE WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH. As I said before, civil unions are determined by the government. And if the American people vote to extend the rights of a civil union to same sex partners, then as an American citizen, I am obligated to honor that decision. I will not be one of those people with a picket sign at a gay wedding, screaming how America is going to burn because of what's happening. I won't change my opinions on the issue, but I will honor the voice of the American people.
The Real Reason:
I'm supporting Chic-Fil-A because I don't like the fact that the Boston mayor thinks he can block Chic-Fil-A out of "his" city. He is a government official. It's his job to represent the people, not his own interests. If he personally wants to boycott Chic-Fil-A, then he and his family and his friends may choose to do so. But it is wrong for him to try and use his influence as the mayor to try and block a business. That's called discrimination, which is kind of the main reason we wrote the Constitution in the first place.
So yeah...."EAT MOR CHIKIN!!"
Keep Soaring,
did you just make a reading rainbow reference?