Friday, July 20, 2012

Batman and the Body...

I never meant for this blog to be a rant blog, but it seems like the only time I sit down to write is when I have a bone to pick.  Note for the future, write about more positive things...

Concerning the tragedy that occured in Aurora, CO, last night, my head's been in a weird place.  It was hard for me to sit through The Dark Knight Rises today without jumping at every person that stood up and went to go to the bathroom.  I get on facebook and see the response.  Scott McDaniel, a free lance artist whose drawn a lot of the Bat family over the years, puts up a special Bat symbol with a ribbon in memory of those who died.  I thought it was cool, so I started to look and see what other people have done.  I find a thread of discussion where these people, most if not all of them professing Christians, are discussing everything from how this will affect gun control to how comic books are evil to whether or not the killer was possessed.

At least 12 people died!!!!  Are we so heartless that we waste time debating meaningless points when people are hurting?!?  This is a time to shine as lights in a dark world, to be the body of Christ like we're supposed to be!!  But no, we can't do that, because it's really important to decide whether or not a man in custody is possessed or not.

I think we're possessed...possessed by our own self-importance and fallen nature.  We must be if we can so flippantly dismiss the pain of others because we want to prove a point about theology or gun control.  We must be if negative comments about society and comic books come out of our mouths when people around us are hurting.

Something's wrong, brothers and sisters.  We are not the people of God we should be if this is the best we can do when tragedy strikes.

I'm done.

Keep Soaring,


1 comment:

  1. sad thing is man this is what people do. Years ago the comic code was instituted because people were blaming comics for children's bad behavior. What it boiled down to was they didn't want to take responsibility for their own actions.

    that man was responsible for his actions and what he did is tragic and horrible. Now lets allow the Law to handle him and lets focus our attention on the victims and their families
