Monday, January 9, 2012

P90X and such...

Sticking to my workout routine.  Still can't manage to beat 30 minutes in, but I supposed that will improve with time.  I'm not exactly Mr. Lean and Mean right now, so any improvement is worth it.

Got into the swing of the new semester a lot easier than I thought I would.  Its encouraging to not be completely dead in the mornings.  Now if I could just get my students to be just as alert....

Writing continues.  Having more fun with it than I thought.  I may actually finish this one.

Got some exciting new ideas for church this year.  Eager to put them in action and see what God does.

Brayson's arrival draws ever closer.  Got the nursery painted and furniture arranged.  Just need to do a couple of more decorating things and it will be ready.  My little boy will be here soon!!!

Keep Soaring,


1 comment:

  1. You are doing fabulous! P90X is not easy so I'm proud that you are sticking to it and doing it 30 minutes at a time...that's a lot better than giving up completely which is probably what I would have done. Go Branson... you are doing GREAT!
