Thursday, May 10, 2012

The whole Gay Marriage thing...

I posted this as a comment on a friend's facebook and thought it would make a good blog post:

Marriage, as defined by the Bible, is a relationship between a man and a woman.  That is how God designed it from the beginning, and that is how we as his creation should view it as.  Homosexuality is defined as a sin, no better or worse than any other sin a person could commit.  It isn't the unpardonable sin, but it is still sin.

Now, my thoughts on where my faith and gay marriage collide:
To me, the authority behind marriage is God.  When a man and a woman promise themselves to each other, making that promise with God as their witness is what makes them married.  The paperwork that everyone signs at the end is just the government recognizing a civil union between two people.  That civil union carries with it certain tax benefits and such that are relevant to the way our system works.

If a government wants to extend the civil union to same sex couples, that is their choice.  I would not call it marriage, because the government is not the ultimate authority on marriage.  It is, however, the authority on what it defines as a civil union between two people.  So, if Obama wants to recognize civil unions between same sex partners, our government has created ways for him to pursue that vision, and as an American, I am obligated to honor that decision.  But I wouldn't call it marriage.

As far as homosexuality being a sin...yes, I believe it is a sin.  But you know what?  This morning, when a student smart mouthed me and I yelled at him, I was angry with him.  Guess what?  That was a sin.  When we tell our bosses we're sick when we're really not just to stay home, that's a sin.  When we judge people who are different than us and assume that we are better than them, that's a sin.  Homosexuality is not an alternative lifestyle; it's a sin, but it's not any worse than any other sin a person can commit on a daily basis.

As a follower of Christ, its my hope that in dealing with same sex couples, I would be able to show them the same love and compassion that Jesus did.  He was very good about loving people while not condoning the evil they committed, and I want to do the same.  So I don't think that homosexuals are subhuman people...they're just sinners like the rest of us, who need Jesus like the rest of us.  So, to paraphrase some picket signs, God made Adam and Eve, and He even made Steve.  And while all three of them have sins on their hearts, God loves all three of them.  That's why Jesus came in the first place.

Keep Soaring,


1 comment:

  1. I thought your post was very well put on this subject. I honestly couldn't agree with you more on this subject. Thought i'd like to point out another thought to you.

    As you stated marriage is a religious ceremony instituted by God. As a minister of the gospel if i marry a couple i have certain standards to uphold.

    Of those things is that i can not and will not marry a same-sex marriage. We as ministers can not put a blessing on that union. It would be like us blessing a person to be able to go out and have several sexual partners or blessing someone to be able to lie, cheat, etc. We can not bless sin.

    On the flip side, if we allow the government to have a say in what is marriage, and what is not, then we open doors that we may regret later. Even if the government makes an across the board motion saying that marriage is between a man and woman only, that opened the door for the government to decided what is appropriate religious behavior. With the current digression of our supposedly great country it wouldn't be long for them to over turn it and say that marriage can be between a same sex couple. It also wouldn't be hard for them to make a law saying that if i refuse to marry such a couple i can be arrested for a hate crime.

    Sad thing is that laws like this have already been passed in various countries around the world. Providences of Canada and also in Brazil there are laws in make it illegal for me to inform people that the Bible declares Homosexuality a sin.

    so let the government decide what a civil union is, but by no means should they be allowed to dictate what marriage is.
