Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some thoughts before church...

As I sit here waiting for church to begin, running through my mind all that I have left to do and all that is going on around me, I find myself comforted by the presence of God....

My grandmother lies in a hospital bed, dying, and while the rest of my family is there at her side, I am here, caring for my pregnant wife and eagerly waiting for the arrival of our son.  I don't resent that I need to stay; I just wish I could be in two places at once.  But I know that this is where she would want me to be.

I always knew logically that God does not leave us in times of turmoil, but rather is there every step that we make.  But now....I can feel  it.  I am overcome with a peace that I cannot understand.  I understand what that means now.

The peace that I feel now is not something that comes from a routine.  I didn't do anything to earn this peace.  This peace isn't a result of my cultural upbringing or habits that I have or haven't developed.  I'm not at peace because I give a certain percentage of my income or because my attendance record is exemplary.  I am at peace because I BELONG TO CHRIST.  And every second I spend in His presence is a second spent closer to heaven.  My relationship with Him has brought me to this peace, because I go to Him with my burdens, and He comforts me.  Even if it isn't by giving me exactly what I want, He still comforts me.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Keep Soaring,


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