Sunday, April 1, 2012

In Memory of Bernice Waters...

Today my Mamaw was laid to rest.  I wasn't able to be there because of our soon-to-arrive baby boy.  And in all actuality, here is where she would have wanted me to be.  Still though, I wish there was some way I could have been there--to honor her memory without neglecting my responsibilities here.

My dad gave her eulogy today.  I know that he honored her with his words.  I even heard that at the end, my cousins spoke a Jewish prayer.  That was just like my grandmother.  Every time the family gathered for a meal, thanks were given to God in Christian prayers and in Hebrew.  I'm glad that a service in her honor reflected that.

The world is a darker place with her not in it, but thanks be to God that she is in a place where she suffers no more.  I regret that Brayson will not meet his great-grandmother this side of heaven.  But he will be told of her compassion, her humor, and her love of family.  And through those stories, maybe it will be a way of them meeting.

I love you, Mamaw, and I miss you.


1 comment:

  1. Kimberly Lewis BoykinApril 1, 2012 at 11:09 PM

    Mrs. Waters would be touched by this. You were blessed to have such an amazing woman as your grandmother! She truely was beautiful in every way!
    Praying for the family during this time.
    Love & hugs sent yall's way!
