The whole point of this blog was to allow others to see the work that God is doing in my life. To see my struggles, hear my questions, and watch me seek the answers. My hopes were that as I struggled to understand my God and what His plan is for my life, it would somehow lead others to him. If I were truly transparent about my relationship with Him, then maybe someone out there in cyber space could benefit from it. That's why I called it "God's Forge." As God forged and molded me and burned out the impurities, it would hopefully become a beacon for others to draw close to Him.
There's a lot I want to say right now, so many frustrations and hard questions I want to ask. But these questions don't involve just me. They connect with others that may not want that transparency. So, in true Dragnet fashion, "The names have been changed to protect the innocent..." and in some cases the guilty, too. I am deliberately making this as vague as possible. If you think any of this is about you, that is probably just the Holy Spirit convicting you.
I know a family who used to be active in church. Now they're not. The mother has sworn off church altogether, because at every major crisis event in her life, when she has turned to the church for help, she has received none (and before you say anything, I was there when she went through most of those. She isn't exaggerating. She needed help and received none.) The father is technically a member of a church, but he hasn't felt needed or wanted for such a long time that the community feeling he's used to is long gone. Both of them attend a life group that they enjoy, but have flat out told me that they don't trust that group with their struggles. They just go for the Bible study. The oldest child was in vocational ministry, but has since left and has no plans of returning, not wanting to "play the game" anymore. The middle child gave up on church a long time ago after being stabbed in the back by men and women the family respected, and a relationship with God is just now starting to recover from it. The youngest child, now a college student, has felt more community and genuine concern in the Greek life on campus than the Christian organizations, college and career classes, or youth groups ever gave. Fifteen years ago, every Sunday morning, all five of them would be in church in their pew ready to serve God however He asked them to. Now, they serve God as best they can, but it will be a long time before they feel the need to be in a church again. If ever.
I've met another family still active in the church. The father's in vocational ministry, and he's good at it. He's led scores of people to Christ in the past year alone, not to mention all those he's led over the course of his career. Everywhere he goes, his ministry is blessed. But he can never stay in one place for longer than a few years. Every ministry position he has ever held, there has always been someone with power in the church that takes issue with him, and it always escalates to the point that he either is asked to leave or felt the need to leave himself. And power is always the issue. He's doing God's work, leading in the direction God wants him to go, and he meets resistance in every form every step of the way from people that have the audacity to call him "brother." And all the drama is because things aren't going their way. "That's not the camp I wanted. That's not the program I wanted. That's not the Sunday School material I wanted." And the stress of it all is affecting him in ways that he never thought it would.
On and on the list goes. And, yes, I know that "no church is perfect." But we're not talking about a tiff here or there because someone lost their temper. I see an epidemic of a consistent need for control. The buildings on the hills with the shining steeples are no longer beacons of light for their communities They're glorified country clubs with social ladders, political agendas, and a board of directors that care more about keeping "the company" in the black than they do about being effective in completing the Great Commission. It's not about serving God anymore. It's about serving our own ego, so at the end of the week we can look at our monuments we've built to our own sense of self-worth and feel good about our "Christian" label. And it's happening all over.
What have we become?!? What have we allowed the Bride of Christ to fall into? At what point did the church become a business? When did the traditions of a governing body of old men become more important than the Holy written Word of God? When did appearance become more important than sincerity?
My heart breaks for what passes as a church these days. I've done my best to reach out to these two families, and so many others like them. But, honestly, there are some wounds that all the apologizing in the world simply won't heal. I hope and pray that these families one day find the community that the Church is supposed to be.
We need to repent, church. We need to repent.
"Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place." --Revelation 2:5