Thursday, January 26, 2012

One of the best days of my life...

I rarely use this word at all, but there is just no other way to put it.  Today has sucked!!

It started with a bad dream.  In this bad dream, the mafia had managed to get my sister kicked out of the police academy and told me there was nothing I could do about it.  Kinda freaked me out, even if it was just a dream.

I get to school to find out I have two dads of two students (different families) breathing down my neck about why their sons aren't doing well in my class.  Because of course its my fault they don't do their homework.

Later in the day I find out that two of my students lost their father in last night's storm.  I don't like to say I have favorite students, but these two kids hold a very special place in my heart.  And now their dad is gone.

I was reminded that the anniversary of my uncle's death is coming soon--the uncle who was so full of life and had it ripped from him by cancer.  There are few hurts that go as deep as that particular loss.  

All day today, I've been thinking about how I should have just stayed in bed.  But then I was reminded of something else...

Five years ago today, I was sitting at my parents' house, waiting.  I had flowers on the table, a lasagna in the oven, and a ring in my pocket.  In just a few hours, someone I love very much was going to walk through that door, and I was going to ask her something.  And her answer changed my life forever.

Praise be to God, she said yes.

So, all in all....this has been one of the best days of my life...

Keep Soaring,


Friday, January 20, 2012

In Memory of Mr. Ironsmith

Edward Michael Ironsmith III Obituary: View Edward Ironsmith's Obituary by Shreveport Times

I heard that Mr. Ironsmith died recently. A sobering thought, really. It wasn't all that long ago that my friends and I were sweating bullets trying to get ready for one of his test. I remember checking those charts everyday to see how I lined up on the grading scale. I remember being terrified of him as I went to ask him to sign off on my schedule so I could take his physics class my senior year. The man was intimidating, but he was also a good man. He always remembered me when we saw each other after graduation, and he was very kind to both me and my sister while we were his students. The education world is truly a darker place now that he's gone.

Another reminder that we are never guaranteed tomorrow. Please pray for his family in this time of sorrow.

Keep Soaring,


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Parents, Pagans, and Pentecost

I read an article this morning.  Here's the link:

Now, normally I don't get involved with politics.  They never have solved any problems and I doubt they ever will.  But this is something that I've given a lot of thought to, and I feel the need to share my opinion just this one time.

In reading this, most of the evangelicals are going to be up in arms, saying that Gideons should have every right to distribute Bibles to students.  And in the same breath, they'll say that children shouldn't be exposed to that "Satan-worshiping garbage" that Wiccan books promote.  I understand the sentiment, but we can't have our cake and eat it too.

Let me clarify.  I want Gideons to come to my high school.  I want Bibles handed out to every student.  I want every person that walks my campus to know about the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and that we are reconciled to God by His death and Resurrection.  And I feel very strongly that as an American, the Constitution protects my rights to try to achieve that.  

Here's the thing:  Those same rights that allow me to tell everyone about my Christian faith allow everyone else to tell me about their faith.  Gideons should be allowed to pass out Bibles to the students that want one, but Wiccans and Muslims and Buddhists and everyone else should be allowed to do the same.  That's what the founding fathers had in mind when they designed "separation of church and state."  It doesn't mean that there is no religion.  It means that the government can't pick a favorite religion, even if its a religion that I believe in.  (Btw, that also means they can't pick a most-hated religion either).

Given the choice between everyone can share their faith or no one can share their faith, I would pick everyone at the drop of a hat.  If you don't want your children to bring material home from another religion, tell them not to go to the booth.  Or better yet, educate them so that they recognize the difference between what they believe and what that "other book" says.  In my experience, the only people that refuse to educate themselves on other beliefs are the people who are afraid their own beliefs will be proved wrong.

I want to be able to share my faith in Christ without having some civil liberties group breathing down my neck.  The only way that's going to happen is if everyone gets the same treatment, Christian and non-Christian alike.  And you know, hearing other people's beliefs isn't all that horrible.  You might find it helps you understand why you believe what you believe.

So, that's my two cents on the topic.  Feel free to comment, disagree, or agree wholeheartedly.  Just keep it cordial.

Keep Soaring,


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pencils, babies, Youtube, and kindergarten...

So a quick update on happenings of late:

Mandy got me a pencil set and sketch pad for Christmas.  I picked up a drawing set and tried my hand and utilizing the various shades made the varying hardness on the lead.  The result?  I had a lot of fun, and I don't think I'm going to draw the same ever again.

Went to another doctor appointment yesterday.  Brayson arrives in 85 days, assuming he gets here on schedule.  I find myself filled with excitement and a little fear.  Fatherhood is one of those experiences I always knew I'd go through, but actually being in it is something I can't begin to describe.  Looking forward to next month so that I get to see him on the sonogram again.

I'm sure you've all at least heard about the "Why I love Jesus but hate religion" video.  It's stirred up a lot of talk.  I gotta say I'm glad that at least some of his critics are handling their issues with grace.  Its okay to disagree.  Just be sure you do it in such a way that it shows love.

I've had to use some very elementary school style tactics to get my kids to behave.  The sad thing is--it worked.  Perhaps I've been overestimating the maturity of my students.

Until next time...

Keep Soaring,


Monday, January 9, 2012

P90X and such...

Sticking to my workout routine.  Still can't manage to beat 30 minutes in, but I supposed that will improve with time.  I'm not exactly Mr. Lean and Mean right now, so any improvement is worth it.

Got into the swing of the new semester a lot easier than I thought I would.  Its encouraging to not be completely dead in the mornings.  Now if I could just get my students to be just as alert....

Writing continues.  Having more fun with it than I thought.  I may actually finish this one.

Got some exciting new ideas for church this year.  Eager to put them in action and see what God does.

Brayson's arrival draws ever closer.  Got the nursery painted and furniture arranged.  Just need to do a couple of more decorating things and it will be ready.  My little boy will be here soon!!!

Keep Soaring,


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back at it...

So Christmas is finally over.  I've been back at work for two days now, with kids supposed to back in classrooms tomorrow.  The semester is technically longer this time around, but something tells me I'm going to blink and it will be over with.

Dad and Ashley came to the house last night and helped me paint the nursery.  One more notch on the pole as we climb to getting ready for Brayson's arrival.  I'm really excited about it.  Part of me wants him to hurry up and get here, and the other part of me doesn't want to rush it.  I'm afraid if I speed up his getting here, then I'll speed up his growing up too.

P90X is still kicking my butt, but I suppose that happens when you try to lose weight.

I'm excited for the new year and the adventures it will bring.  Soli Deo Gloria.

Keep Soaring,