My dad and I have been reading through Kingdom Man by Tony Evans for the past several weeks. The other night, as we discussed the latest chapter that we had read, our conversation went to the topic of discipleship. Throughout the discussion, I began to reflect on where I am now and how I got to here.
I was lucky in that growing up I had a plethora of Godly men to look up to. Of course, my dad was always there, and the way he lived his life was an example to me. As I grew older, God blessed me with a pastor and youth minister who recognized God's call on my life and spent time training me. In college and during my time at Seminary, I had several brothers in Christ, many of which I met with on a regular basis, who encouraged and me, and I still have kept in touch with many of them. Now, I'm in an accountability relationship nearly ten years strong that has helped to keep me on the straight and narrow. Looking back on my life, I can truly say that I have been, and still am being, discipled. All of these men that have contributed to my spiritual well being did so above and beyond the call of duty associated with their positions. These men were more than fellow church goers. In a very real sense, they were Brothers.
The sad thing is that I realize just how rare this is. How many men can point to someone they can call on right now to help them in a crisis? How many men in the church are meeting with their Brothers more than during Sunday school? How many of us have truly invested our LIVES into someone else so that they may grow closer to Christ?
Or are we content to just shake hands and smile on Sunday morning? Do we let Sunday activities be the extent of our discipleship? Jesus spent three years of his life living teaching His disciples ON A DAILY BASIS! If we are His followers, shouldn't we do the same?
I have been given so much in my life. My faith today is a result of a long line of men willing to take time out of their schedule to invest in me, even when it was inconvenient for them. The least I could do is pass that on.
I encourage all of us to find someone we can invest our lives in. Let us do more than just make converts. Let us make disciples. Let us invest in the lives of the people that God has placed in our lives.
To the men who have helped guide me to Christ, you have my humble adoration and gratitude. May God bless you as much as He used you to bless me.
Keep Soaring,
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