Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Venice is sinking" by Ross King

I came back to this song tonight. I can guarantee that our brother Ross King is not talking about Venice and water problems.

"Papa got the business back in 1953
He took it on when my grandfather drowned
35 years later it was passed along to me
Now I make the rounds
Wealthy and American is mostly who I take
Smile and tell the story for a price
You might be surprised how much a gondolier can make
Giving tourist rides
They float the waters, hear the history
They never have to fear what lies beneath
But as for me, I’m wondering quietly…

If Venice is sinking, how can we believe we’ll all be fine
If Venice is sinking, how can we believe we all stay dry
‘Cause I have been thinking, this water’s not worth drinking
so if Venice is sinking, then trouble’s on the rise

Centuries of living like the kings we should have been
And never having slaves to clean our mess
And still the water rises, so we raise the ground again

In our ignorance
Sometime they will ask about the garbage and the smell
‘Cause they don’t understand the way it works
To tell the truth it’s been so long that I can never tell
If it’s getting worse
We’re rich in romance and in poetry
But we have a sewer running in our streets
I wonder which will be our greater legacy

A city built on dreams, and a million giant beams
But reality, it seems is getting closer, and rising higher
And I still wonder"

Keep Soaring,


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