Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Looking back and smiling....

A few things before I get into the meat of this post. For those of you who haven't heard yet, I have recently been called to be pastor at Union Baptist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX. It's an exciting and scary time as I take on the calling God has given me for the first time and try to be the shepherd that He's been molding me into all these years. I realize I have a lot to learn, but I can't wait to start learning it.

Now that I've given you some background, here's what I wanted to post on:

I was looking through some old posts and found one that I wrote last November. (For those of you interested, you can read it here.) I remember writing that post, feeling the confusion and the uncertainty, and making myself get up and keep going simply because I didn't know what else to do. Back then, it seemed I had so much weight on my shoulders driving me into the ground, and there was no hope of ever getting any relief from it.

But I take stock of where I am today, and I see how far God has brought me. I've finally gotten a position at a church--and even a church where the people are eager to work for the Lord. Mandy is finally able to quit her job and get the break she's been needing for months now. I'm closer to the LORD now that I ever have been in my life. The life that I dreamed of when I first moved out here...it's sitting right in front of me, waiting for me to take those first few steps into it.

I've heard it preached all my life that endurance is important, and as my life verse says, "Those who wait on the LORD will find new strength" (Isaiah 40:31). But I never really understood it until today, when I looked back on how hard this past year has been, and see the blessing that I am surrounded in now. When the LORD promises that He'll get us through anything, He means it. It may not always be on our time table, but it is always perfect timing.

So I stand here now with renewed strength, renewed zeal, and a sense of purpose. I realize that taking on this new position will come with its own problems, and being on the mountaintop just means that a valley is coming up next. But I don't fear what may be coming, because I can see what God has already pulled me through. He is faithful, and gracious, and might to save. I may have had to trudge through muck for a while, but right now....I'm flying. :-)

Feel free to comment or ask questions. I'm always here.

Keep Soaring,


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