For all my cynicism about the American church, the events of the past couple of days have really made me shut up and pay attention...
I met a man named Lon Chea. He's from Cambodia and is a man of faith like none other. He was raised by his parents to be a Buddhist Monk, but didn't feel that was for him. He came to American, found faith in the LORD, and over the course of about 20 years led his family still in Cambodia to Christ. The last time he saw them was in 2003, and he told me that he feels a great burden on his heart to see them again. But his finances aren't enough to get him there. I promised I'd pray for him.
On Friday nights I attend a faith-based karate school called Christian Soldiers. During Bible study I mentioned Lon to the class and asked them to pray for him. The response I got was astounding. Almost immediately, two people got out their checkbooks and wrote checks totaling to $150. Then my instructor said he would bring a coffee can to class next week so that everyone would have a chance to contribute. One of the other students said, "Even if we don't raise enough to send him there, we could at least give him a headstart."
I was shocked speechless, and even when I tried to tell Mandy about it I started crying. This karate class came together and chose to help a man they had never met. They just saw a need and decided to show the love of Christ. It's amazing that this karate class is acting exactly how a New Testament church should act. No accounting committees, no budget requests, no check that has to be signed by 3 deacons or more. Just a body of believers meeting the needs of the people around them.
The American church in general may be falling by the wayside. But at least in Fort Worth, TX, there's a little group of karate students who believe God when he said feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Thank you, LORD, for letting me see this.
Feel free to comment or ask questions. I'm always here.
Keep Soaring,
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