Friday, August 7, 2009

Update on the life and times of the Boykins....

So we've been in Fort Worth for just over two months now. We're finally starting to find a place for everything so that we don't have boxes packed ceiling high everywhere. The only thing really left to unpack is a few boxes of pictures here and there. But I'm not really worried about that....Mandy already has the big stuff up.

I start Seminary in a few weeks. Had a very weak moment yesterday. I opened up my recently purchased Greek New Testament and saw what looked to my mind to be chicken scratch scribbled across the page. I panicked, quite certain that there was no way I could handle this. Thankfully, Mandy was there. And after holding me a little while, she helped me get a start by working with me on memorizing the Greek Alphabet:

Get ready....GO!!! Alpha beta gamma delta zeta eta theta iota kappa lamda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau phi chi psi omega!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait let me check.......darnit!! Forgot Epsilon......ah in progress.

Mandy continues her journey as nurse at Plaza Medical Center. It's weighing on her a little. The past few days she's worked, she's had to stay an hour over to get all her work done. I shutter to think what kind of job has so much to do that a 12 hour shift isn't long enough to do everything. The woman is a warrior. She's hard on herself right now, but with time she's gonna get better at this. I'd ask that you pray for strength and endurance for her as she tries to do everything. And confidence, too. She needs to see herself as her Father in Heaven sees her, not as her Accuser would have her be seen.

In-laws are stopping in on their trip home from Canada tomorrow. Glad they had fun and that they made it back safe. Btw, Skype is an extremely fun and cheap way to communicate with friends and loved ones far away. Check it out.

Keep praying for the family of Flint Smith. The funeral for his brother was this week, though I'm sure the sting of his death remains. Pray for peace for the family and strength for Flint.

Working on a new project called Faith Noir. As Dustin so adequately put it, "It's like Sin City meets The Shack." It's my first venture into crime comics, so it'll be interesting.

Not much on the teaching side in this post....but regardless, feel free to comment or ask questions. I'm always here.

Keep Soaring,


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