Sunday, May 17, 2009

Canaan Bound....

When God told Abraham and Sarah to pack their bags and move to what would be the Promised Land, I'm sure they had a lot of uncertainties to deal with. They had no clue where they were going, what they would find when they got there, or what they were supposed to do once they were there. Abraham's leap of faith was a great deal more literal than anything most of use face in our daily lives.

So when I look at the move coming up in a couple of weeks, I'm not surprised at the fears that I feel. Granted, I'm in a better position than Abraham was. I know where I'm going, I have a general idea of what I'll find when I get there, and I know exactly what I'm supposed to do once I'm there. I suppose the thing I deal with the most is this--once I get there, how do I stay there?

But as usual, God has an interesting way of reminding me of just how in control He is. There is a song by Andrew Peterson (I think this is the 2nd time I've quoted him here) called "Canaan Bound." It's a song between Abraham and Sarah, and Abraham encourages Sarah to go with him to Canaan where "long after [they] are dead and gone, a thousand years [their] tale be sung, how faith compelled and bore [them] on, how barren Sarah bore a son."

God called Abraham to believe in Him whole-heartedly, to jump out into the unknown and trust Him. Abraham did, and "it was credited to him as righteousness." --Genesis 15:6. He believed and was blessed for his believing. And his example beckons us all, "Come to Canaan, come."

And so, with a head full of fear, but a heart full of hope, I sing along with the words of my brother in Christ, Andrew......

"Oh, [Mandy] take me by my arm. Tomorrow we are Canaan bound."

Feel free to comment or ask questions. I'm always here.

Keep Soaring,


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