Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Update...

As I sit in my in-laws' living room at nearly midnight on December 26th, the thought occurred to me that I haven't had much to say on this blog since our anniversary.  For the few who happen upon this little collection of thoughts, I thought an update on the happenings of the Boykin household would be in order...

The days have been spent between the Louisiana Boykin and Lovelace households.  We've had three gift exchanges, two Christmas dinners, and a million laughs and fun times in between.  My parents have managed to get all three of their children under one roof for the first time in months.  My father-in-law got to spend the day with his son and new grandson, and in the fun I was called "Uncle Branson," which was kind of a neat experience.

This week I've been writing again, given a sketch pad and pencil set for Christmas which re-inspired my interest in drawing, and watched football history made as Drew Brees broke Dan Marino's record.  I've got the two superhero movies that I had not yet collected, and I've spent many a morning relishing the childhood memories of Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.

This week I've learned that having a child changes your perspective on things, even things that you didn't know needed changing.  I've learned that there is no length too great to go to make sure my son is safe and protected.  And I've learned that in some cases, when the hammer falls, I will act...

All in all, its been a great week.  Not really looking forward to going back to work, but you can't have a vacation if there's not a job to take a vacation from.

Keep Soaring,


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mandy!!

Four years ago today I married my best friend and the love of my life.  Since then we've seen good times and bad, hard and easy, and understood a little better what "for better or worse, in sickness and in health" means.  But I wouldn't trade a nanosecond of it, and there is no one else in this universe that I would rather share these times with. 

As I look forward to Brayson's coming, I feel so blessed that he is going to have a mother who fears the Lord and loves Him with everything.  My one hope is that I can measure up and be the man both she and my son need me to be.

Happy anniversary sweetheart.  I love you!!!


Friday, December 16, 2011

The Death of an Atheist...

I heard today that Christopher Hitchins died.  I learned about it through comments people made on Facebook.  My friend Sean posted about it, and what he had to say really convicted me.

Here's the post: "Sad to hear about Christopher Hitchins...for all his dislike for religions he had a passionate sense of justice, seemingly incompatible with his atheism.  We truly are all created in the image of God, and I saw that in Hitchins' passion for seeing justice done in the world."

When I hear that an atheist dies, my spirit grieves for their suffering that they will go into not having a saving faith in Christ.  But in my flesh, there is a little part of me that thinks, "Ha!  Bet you wished you changed your mind now!"  Regardless of what my beliefs are, that just isn't appropriate.

And then there's Sean, who manages to show the love of Christ even in the death of man who constantly ridiculed and persecuted his faith.  Sean focuses on the reality that, atheist or not, this man was passionate about what he believed.  And whether or not he believed in the God that made him, he is still a creation of the one I call Lord.  If nothing else, that alone merits my love and care for the man and his family.

So, to the Hitchins family, if you happen to stumble on this little blog of mine, forgive my cynicism.  I can't begin to imagine the pain you're feeling and the loss you have suffered.  Whether you believe in God or not, know that I implore Him to give you the peace you so desperately need now, and I hope that somehow you find the strength to endure this hard time.

And to Sean, thank you for reminding me of what Christ's love looks like.

Keep Soaring,


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kids these days...

So Friday I passed out a review for the semester exam.  In class since then I've let the students work at their own pace to get whatever answers they could.  Today, I put up all the answers to the review so they could check their work.  I told them, "If you got any of them wrong, come to my desk and ask me about it and I'll show you how to work it."  At the end of the day, I've had a total of five kids come and ask me about a question.  Either everyone is this good and the semester exam is going to be a breeze, or only five kids out of 138 actually care to correct their review.

Its times like this that I feel myself turning into an old man.  When I was in high school, I would have hung on the teacher's every word if he/she was telling me how to pass the final.  Today, they could care less.  Are times truly this different?  What happened to doing your best in everything and wanting to do well in school?  Is there no work ethic anymore?

God, please help me teach my son to do better than this.  Help me to show him to be more than what this generation of students is settling for.  And if that's not what you want for Him, then give me the insight to see that.

Yeah....I'm gonna be a dad.  It gets a little more real every day.  God, help me to not screw up.

Keep Soaring,


Monday, December 12, 2011

Back to the Workshop...

I've missed having a blog.  I've missed having a place to vent, share my thoughts, and otherwise take up cyberspace.

This blog has a less specific purpose than my last one.  This one harkens back to the days of Xanga, where you shared everything from theological insight to critiques of the latest video game.  With my son on the way, I suddenly have a strong desire to chronicle and record my thoughts.  And in so doing, maybe some of the dross will bubble to the top, and God can remove the impurities from me.

So, in any case, if you catch yourself reading this blog, enjoy!!And may the insights shared here push you into a closer walk with Christ.

Keep Soaring,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day

I intended to post this yesterday, but with everything going on between school and Mandy's grandfather, I couldn't focus enough to write. But, now that the dust has settled a little, I want to mention this...

Valentine's Day has meant a lot of different things for me over the years. At first it was a reminder of my single status. Then it became an excuse to buy stuff for the current girlfriend. Finally, it was a chance to show my wife just how much I love her. But I think the thing that is most important about Valentine's Day happened 32 years ago.

On February 14, 1979, Kevin and Debbie Lovelace married. There were some who were excited about it, some who weren't sure, but most importantly, there was a God who had His hand on this young couple and had a plan for them.

Seven years later, Kevin and Debbie had a daughter. They taught her above all else to love the Lord, and raised her with a tender heart for others. She grew in knowledge, she grew in love, and she grew in favor with the Lord. That little girl grew up to be an amazing, beautiful woman, and she has been the greatest blessing God could ever give me on this earth.

"When God made you, he must have been thinking about me."

Happy Valentine's Day Mandy, and Happy Anniversary Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Debbie.

Keep Soaring,